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/ R

Snow chains König T2 Type No Problem of Verstichel
@ Ligny (5140)

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Technical characteristics

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Type Chains
Model König T2 Type No Problem
Location Ligny (5140) in Namur
Compatible tire sizes 235/70R15 - 235/75R15 - 215/75R16 - 215/80R16 - 215/85R16 - 225/70R16 - 225/75R16
Purchase year 2000
Description Achetées pour une Renault R19. Jamais servi. d'après constructeur, compatible 215/16 235/75-15 235/70-15 215/85-16 215/80-16 215/75-16 225/75-16 225/70-16
König  T2 Type No Problem
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Find snow chains close to your home. Second hand snow chains everywhere in Belgium, France and Holland. Looking for snow chains that fit your tires? Your neighbours might have them in the garage. Rent their snow chains or share them yours.


Find here all the information about the payment for the location or for sale

For rent

- €/week + -€ deposit

Not for renting

For sale


The easiest solution: no need to bring the item back after use. You want to buy this product? Contact the owner and make an offer.

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Check if this product is available when you're going on holidays

You are lucky, you can choose any date.

You didn't find snow chains for the period you leave? Or you want to check more snow chains? Don't worry we have more than 300 snow chains. You will find some close to you ! Rent snow chains in Namur


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Member since: 2018

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